Science and sensibility

Science and sensibility

Monday, August 30, 2004


Welcome to Science and Sensibility. My Name is David Winter and I'm currently a student of biochemistry at the University of Otago in New Zealand. I'm absolutely mad about science and think that everyone alive should be able to understand some of the beauty and wonder that makes scientists do what they do. This blog is my own small contribution to that goal. I wrote a science coloumn in hte Otago student newspaper Critic last year but found the 400 word limit did not lend itself to full and well expressed dispatches so have launched this site to help me hone my communicating skills

So, I hope that you enjoy this - I have a couple of articles lined up to post including a few of my Critic columns which don''t have a home on the web since the magazine launced its new all bells all whistles website. Special thanks has to go out to Martijn ten Napel who made the exellent "grey river" template this site's design is based on.

(For anyone that is wondering the background image is a 3D picture of two subunits from the protein RUBISCO - Probably the most abundant protein on earth.)
Posted by David Winter 10:03 pm


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